Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ciao, 2011

What a year it has been. Although 21 has only been open for three months, our venue was in the creative pipeline for a large portion of this year. The team at 21 would like to personally thank all of YOU, our incredible and ridiculously good looking patrons that have made 21 the roaring success it has become. Pat yourselves on the back, friends. Kids done good.

So as a small gesture of our appreciation, we've put together some tips to survive the next week of parties, events and alcoholic indulgence during the Christmas/New Years period...

1. When partying during the day, drink plenty of water as well. Failing that, drink more vodka. Vodka makes everything better.
2. Girls -  the streets of Sydney are no place for bare feet. If you can't wear them all day; don't wear them at all.
3. Boys - popped collar Polo's weren't okay five years ago, and they're even less okay today. Dapper up and invest in a business shirt. Your sex life will thank us.
4. Remember to Slip, Slop, Slap. Unless you want a tan, of course. In that situation, oil up and worship the Sun Gods like a champ.
5. If your questioning whether or not to send that 4am text to a certain babe/stud...don't question it. JUST DO IT! What's the worst that could happen? Well, perhaps an AVO and social ridicule, but take the chance anyway.

The entire team at 21 would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here's to all the adventures that are on the horizon in 2012 - stay tuned!

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